Creatures of aether decks
Creatures of aether decks

This property also enables the Vial to break symmetry on effects that prevent players from casting spells, or affect the costs to cast spells: (e.g., Trinisphere, Standstill, Sphere of Resistance, Rule of Law). In addition to the points you listed above, one advantage that you missed is that creatures put into play by Vial are not cast, and therefore sidestep counterspells and related effects.

creatures of aether decks

Having to tick up a Vial to 3 or 4 means waiting 3 or 4 turns before it gives you any value. Obviously Aether Vial does best in a creature-heavy deck where many of the creatures have low CMC.

creatures of aether decks

What kind of reasoning should I use to decide whether Aether Vial is worth it in any given Modern deck? My creatures have CMC of 1, 2, 3, 4 (too spread out?) but I don't have many 1-drops, and Vial is one, so that helps. On the other hand, it does save mana that can be left up for other things, and instant speed is nothing to sneeze at. You can only use it for creatures with the right CMC, and you can only add counters, not remove them. Aether Vial seems like an awesome card at first sight (putting creatures on the board for free, at instant speed, for an initial 1 mana? Huh?) but I note that very few competitive decks run it.Īrguments against and for I can think of: by itself, it doesn't do anything yet, and having multiple in your starting hand means you probably have too few creatures. I find it hard to decide whether Aether Vial is good in it, and what adjustments I should make to the deck if I decide to include it.

creatures of aether decks

It's too slow to be competitive, but there are a lot of options and things to try out. I'm pretty much a beginner at deck building, and I'm toying around with a Modern GR Shaman tribal deck.

Creatures of aether decks